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Prefer Smaller Boxes When Buying CCs?

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
Bwahahaha, I was thinking damn, how bad is it when my preferences make me look tasteless and uncultured, to a freaking marine!?! ;)
Like losing a game of checkers......to a monkey.......:bag:

However I still have all my marbles.......:cat: :chicken:

Chuck and I share the opinion on the RASS....:mooning:

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
Metallifan...if you are afraid of poor quality, you should stay away from Cuban cigars.
Fear of buying a box of 25 means you are not serious about the hobby.
I own an OBSCENE number of boxes,and I know there are some duds in there.
Doesn't stop me buying for a second. Ever.


The General
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Dec 2, 2014
Jacksonville, NC
Good freekin' luck finding 898s.
and pick me up a couple boxes of La Gloria MdO #2 while you are out...:banghead:

and get Chuck some Gurkhas......:vomit:
Lol i was able to get some MDOs this year again ... I’m always looking for more of those for myself. These few boxes won’t last long

And I know where you can get 898 if u need one old man
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Mar 29, 2017
When I had less storage I tended to buy smaller boxes. Since I upgraded my tupperidor I typically buy boxes of 25. Of course some of my favorites only come In boxes of 10, so that would be an exception. Never bought a cab of 50 but am toying with the idea. If you know you like a cigar (PSD4) and you have enough storage no reason not to buy a box of 25 IMO. You just reminded me that I have a unopened box of 10 PSD4 from '14 -- weather permitting I will smoke one tomorrow..
@Schlitzinacan- the Cab 50s are worth it. It seems in my experience they are the cream of the crop. It’s also easier for me to age those because you can test a few out to check on the progress of aging and still have plenty left.

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Jan 23, 2016
Buying bling is always a gamble with CC, you might get a great box or a okay box. I find that there are definitely times where a brand will hit seam where a box count (10, 25, 50) will be more better than others and can be applied to tubes vs. non tubes as well.

I tend to focus on box code/date more as chances are if boxes are looking good from a master case then the other boxes will be good as well but always a chance for some bad apples.
Question.... who said they have issues with construction?

I have had maybe 2-3 plugged cigars in the last two years.

That’s all shenanigans.
The only thing wrong with 25ct D4 boxes is that they don’t offer a 50ct Cabinet.....

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So obviously, there are multiple opinions here...
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Jun 18, 2017
Volo, il
As a result, I decided to play it safe and proceed with the most prudent course of action.

I went with both ;)

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I don't think you had any other option. Those are great smokes!!! I'm sitting on 3 boxes myself. Slowly smoking one, hoping to get some age on the other two lol