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Prefered Radar Detector...

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Mar 28, 2007
You're right if a cop hits you with the radar gun then it's to late you're toast. But I use my escort to detect other vehicles in front of me getting hit with the radar gun which allows me to slow down if needed.
You hit the nail on the head with that statement. I guarantee that my detector will pick up radar that isn't on me.

Radar detectors don't work well for warning about laser radar (even though it detects it).

However, most cops in Utah radar on the ka band. A cop may be parked 1000 feet up the road around a corner and my detector will pick up the ka signal. It is extremely weak and may only last a split second, but that is all the warning I need. Unless I am missing something here, a cop can't radar you without a direct line of site.

I need to go knock on wood now...:stickbeat


Ermagherd Sergarse
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Sep 20, 2007
I've used a V1 and it's pretty amazing how much warning it will give you for speed traps.

I won't plop down the cash for one since I'm not heavy on the foot, but if I had my own it could have saved me a few times.