You're absolutely right, they wouldn't email all the members of BOTL.
@Eric posted a thread informing everyone of the upcoming changes to BOTL.
There is a lot of passion and love that has been invested in this site, or should I say, community.
It's unfortunate that Puff went down for whatever reason. The reason that BOTL has been going strong for the last 10 years is because of the members. I'm not saying one is better than the other because I don't care to call any other place besides BOTL home. Like
@mistaforty said, some will stay and some will go. I hope the ones who stay enjoy BOTL as much as the rest of us.
When I joined here it was simply to learn about cigars. I had no idea that there was such a thing as a Bomb, PIF, MAW, box pass, NHIE, or anything. I didn't even know people gave away cigars (see
@ItsBarbarino signature line). But I sure learned real quick what BOTL was all about just by being myself and being active. To be honest even if those things didn't exist, I would still be here.
Anyways, welcome to all the new members and I hope you find this place and the people here as great as I do.
SGT Hulka