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Q: Ugliest Cigar Packaging?

Red Raider

Wreck 'em Tech
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Feb 29, 2012
123 Anytown Texas, 12345
Grimalkin - like the concept but the green and yellow eyes are too "cartoony" although the smoke is great
Hoyo de Montery - looks like it is trying to be something it is not
AB Family Blend - proportions seen off and the square face and thin band don't work for me
Room 101 - San Andreas that is one fugly face
San Lotano - something Abbott these bands makes me feel like I'm looking at a painting of Santa Fe (no offense to either the town, or the cigar, both are quite enjoyable at times)
Bands that are too hard for me to sketch. Haha ;)

Bands with dates
Band with "hand writing"
Room 101 Namakubi
SnB bands... What can It reminds me of the Leach days at Tech!!!
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Sep 13, 2012
I think Cigars are like food, you have to have presenation it has to look inviting.
I know this is very subjective as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I wonder if there will be any consensus on this one.

Plus there are some pretty damn good cigars that come in some gawd awful packaging - so we are only talking about the presentation here - so do the Maker a favor and say you love the smoke, but damn is the band/box/branding butt ugly. Unless the smoke sucks too... then do whatever.

All I ask is for you to give a GENUINE HONEST CRITIC why you don't like the packaging with specifics, not just some mindless, slam fest nonsense.

And please, if you feel like it is one of DE's products that deserves an Ugly Duckling mention, do not hesitate to do so...


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Jun 7, 2011
Don't people participating in market surveys get paid?


The Camacho Trapezoid boxes are a bitch to play tetris with. As far as bands go I like one band, nothing around the foot, don't wrap the damn thing up in a sprill, and keep it simple.

One of my daily smokes, the DPG Blue Is now two bands and a ribbon on the foot. That's three chances for me to tear the wrapper! When you're a big old boy with some fat dick beaters like I am, chances are the wrapper is going to get torn.

Also, I've got a bone to pick with the paper on the LP bands. I've been trying I save them for a big project I'm planning where I need a couple hundred LP 9 bands. About 1 of 3 is actually usable when I get it off. Beautiful and elegant band, and often useless for what I want to do with it. That's really in the realm of "personal problem" though I guess. :)

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
cohiba red dot - a cheesy insult
cusano - the name - i picture rolled up worms lol !
3 reynas - falls way short - too etch a sketchy.


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
I don't like bands that cover a large portion of the cigar...La Sirena, Black Market, Obsidian, etc. I'm also not a big fan of lots of bands/ribbons. One, occasionally two, bands should be enough...I really didn't like when DPG added the second band and the ribbon on the foot. Also bands that look cartoonish or very gaudy.

I do like simple bands like Illusione (though they newer Maduro Burgundy bands aren't as good) and Tatuaje. The Liga Privada bands with the handwriting are nice. I really love the S&B bands...bad ass. I also like the band on the Ave Maria.

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Jan 11, 2010
I prefer simple classic bands and simple cedar boxes. Reinado, Tatuaje, Illusione, DE, Romacraft...

Can't start huge over the top bands and those huge ridiculous boxes that take up too much space in the cabinet.


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Apr 29, 2005
I don't know about ugly, but the Ron Mexico band is undoubtedly the goofiest looking (and, yes, I know all about Vick), with Cuban Honeys a close second. The Felipe II Fat-Boy Extra band is among the chintziest, the G.A.R. box and band always struck me as a sort of Wal-Mart design, while Cojimar wins the "looks like I made the bands on my computer printer" award. I know many people are impressed by the Foundry's steampunk inspiration, but for me that gear on the band is one step too far. Similarly, I don't like the guitar amp box for the Concert (though I like the cigar). Doesn't really look like a Marshall amp or a cigar box.
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Mar 3, 2012

Ave Maria
Man O War
El Baton
5 Vegas
EP Carrillo
Carlos Torano
CAO America
Those Stupid Metal Macanudo Bands

Gosh there are just so many......

Boarderline.... Arturo Fuente, Their Smokes make up for their bands.


Tatuaje - Most of their bands that just say tatuaje are sharp looking and simple I like
Monte - Cuban Band, Again SIMPLE
Padron Aniv.
Ashton VSG


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Frankly, Liga Privada No 9 has the classiest band of all time. The aesthetics honestly can't be best.

Herfin' Harg

BoM March 2012
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May 11, 2011
Austin, TX
I'm surprised no one has mentioned 601 yet. That change to the banding a couple years back was a terrible move, though they weren't exactly great looking before. I believe they went back to something very close to the original banding, but I still see the really awful ones around. I'm sure someone will jump in if I've got that wrong. (Murcielago is also pretty terrible looking, imo. Sorry, Eddie!)

Aesthetically, I'm turned off by the Tat Casitas, la sirenas, and the banding on most Camachos, though I may think to add to this list the next time I visit the B&M...

I also dislike anything with a huge band or other material obscuring the condition of the cigar. (e.g., paper, foil or other wrapping and tubes). If I'm picking out a single somethingorother, I'm gonna give it a thorough looksie to make sure it's in good shape, by God!
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Oct 31, 2009
This may be completely in my head...
Rexy, there is a lot of stuff in your head, and I think most of us are thankful that you keep it in there...

For me, the packaging that bums me out the most is the packaging that tries to look edgy/rustic, etc... a la the Cubaos, Vudus... I haven't seen a Warlock box, but I can only imagine... and then the stuff like the new roMEo packaging or even the ACID packaging... Cigars aren't really about flash and bling, so why are they being dollled up like it? But then again, I am a classicist.

edit (after thought): Some may lump the MUWAT packaging in here^ but, with the "humble" paper and simple (yet assertive typology), I am okay with it despite it's lack of "classic" appeal. And I can assure you I am not just throwing that out there to kiss anyone's back-side... (back to my original post -------->)

On a side note, I think the artwork is nice, but the shear size of the La Sirena bands is goofy-stupid-big. Love the smokes, but could stand a smaller band...
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
No contest. Hands down, GH STK Zulu's. If red and tourquoise bands that cover almost entire cigar weren't bad enough, the boxes were offensive to many, distasteful to most and downright f'd up to me. Kid with AK47 on the lid was absolutely stupid. Call it art, if you want - but put it on a museum wall....not on a cigar box.

or maybe this.....http://www.botl.org/community/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25556&d=1347832057