son of a b*tch...
hahahason of a b*tch...
No kidding! I'm lucky to hold on to my good ones a month or two.
Really, still doesnt help much lolgotta get that stash full of good ones so its no so
Ill have to do a little searching. As a newb the RASS is on my short list. Only seeing boxes mostly though07s are smoking deliciously now for both RASS and RASCC........
Look for a TEB box code. Fantastic!!!!
Cinnamon and dried fruit! Sounds friggin' awesome.
rotflolWell it's a custom word created by botl
RASS or R ASS began when C-mac said OUR ASS tasted good. i told him gross, but he insited that the ASS of a botl tastes better than anyother ASS he's ever tasted. I refuse to test the theory. Anyway, try one, they are supposed to be good.