I was an LEO in VA for 14 years. Reckless driving is anything 20 miles or more above the posted speed limit. Even if you were driving like Mario and was good at it, the speed will kill you.
Fines for a Class 1 Mis can range up to $1,000 and/or 12 months in jail. It might have gone higher since I was there.
Anyway, advice....I've seen judges reduce the RD to below 20 MPH and just go $3 (fine) per mile ($3 x 19 = $57, plus court costs) and I have seen them throw them in jail for 3 months. I have even seen first offenders take driver's ed and have it wiped off their record.
On your first appearance, the prosecutor will tell the judge if he is seeking jail time or not. If he is, then the judge will warn you to get an attorney (I would). If not, then the judge can hear the case that day, or if you decide you need more time (calibration, time to get attorney, witnesses, etc.), you can ask for time to prepare and a trial date will be set. OR you have it done that day.
My suggestion is to get an attorney.
Good luck,