I was asleep in bed. The phone rang. It was my girlfriend's mom. I was set to leave for New York the next week on business, and she was calling because she couldn't remember where I was and wanted to make sure I was at home. She kept screaming at us, telling us to turn on the TV, so I rolled into the living room, flipped on the tube, and spent the next few hours fixated on the TV. I made a mental map of where the towers were and where my friends lived in relation to them... started praying... I will never forget how I felt that morning. I will never forget the hurt in the peoples' eyes when I finally did make it to New York on that trip. I will never forget the strangers in bars I met after work on that trip, and hearing their stories... so much hurt, so much anger, so much grieving. I've never hugged so many sobbing strangers in my whole life, and that was three weeks after the fact. I can only imagine what it was like on the day. And I wasn't just in New York. I was working in Philadelphia, Newark, Trenton, and Boston as well.
I hope no one ever has to feel those feelings ever again. Senseless terrorism and killing have got to stop, anywhere and everywhere. Freedom from fear is just as important as freedom from tyranny, or freedom from evil. By 2050, the world's population is on target to grow to about 10 Billion people. It would be really great if all 10 Billion of us could get along, cooperate, and figure out how to live on this planet TOGETHER.