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Remember 9/11...

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Apr 11, 2012
I don't know that I'll ever be able to wrap my head around that day, or the sacrifices that those who protect our country make on a daily basis to keep us safe and free. Heartfelt thanks and admiration go out to them every single day, but especially on this one.


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Sep 7, 2013
RIP to those who lost their lives on that day....

Never forget
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Jun 18, 2012
I remember having that day off of work.

Then woken up by my boss calling asking what the latest was. I didnt know what he was talking about. Then he said turn on the TV, and I said which channel. He said just turn the tv on.

This day always has my d*ck in the dirt.



BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
I remember being in graphic design class, sophomore year of high school. It was all we watched on TV. It was like time stopped on campus. I will never forget our fallen heroes!
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I was in a highschool physics class when I first found out. The following month I had processed into the delayed enlistment program. Then for the 1 yr anniversary I was sitting in USAF bootcamp on my way to explosive ordnance disposal school. Still ties my insides into knots.

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Aug 21, 2013
Tempe, AZ
I was in the 4th grade(i know im young), and they sent us home before lunch, alot of my teachers were crying and nobody would tell us why. I get home to my mother, who was never not working, sitting on the couch fully dressed for work but not going in at this point. My father was a lieutenant in the sheriffs department, all day he and 20 of his guys were busing people out of the jails in Boston to jails not in the city. On this day I saw two of the strongest people i know feel completely powerless. This day is a day for remembrance and unity, always support our troops and never forget what people give for our freedoms! Thanks to all who serve at home and overseas!
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Sep 9, 2013
Republic of Tejas
Will never forget all that lost their lives 12 years ago, or those who lost theirs last year. Thoughts are also with a club brother in some Afhanistan shit hole right now.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
I remember the day I was in grade 9 sitting in computers and technology class. The tv was on and when the picture of the planes showed up on the screen I was left beyond speechless as I had been standing infront of those building 3 days earlier. I was left beyond speechless.


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May 2, 2009
Very close to home for me. Could see the towers from my town no problem. They put a secondary street name on my block, Moe Barry Way. He was a Port Authority Cop who lost his life when the first tower fell. He lived up the street from where we live now, I went to school with one of his sons.
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Jun 7, 2013
Goshen, IN, USA
I was on break listening to the radio and they cut in and said a plane had hit the tower. I went back in and told some guys and everyone was just kind of shocked. Then when the second plane hit we all kind of knew it had to be a terrorist attack, but inside we were all hoping we were wrong. The memories flow easily from that day and the days that followed. It's amazing how high our Patriotism as a country was and how low it's gotten since then. Back then we were an undivided nation who stood tall with each other regardless of back grounds. If you bled red white and blue, we were family. It's a shame how far we've fallen. But, I digress. GOD bless this wonderful nation of ours and those who have sacrificed all for us.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I was at a meeting at work when it happened and I saw the second plane hit the building on CNN. I got up and left my job and called my wife. I immediately went to a quiet place to gather my thoughts and pray. That says a lot because I am not a religious person by any means. I was sickened, scared and full of gratefulness all in the same week. I was in emotional shock. Someday I vowed that I will gather up enough money to drive and visit ground zero to try to get some kind of closure. I have a feeling though that I never will. A lot of us were so far away but traumatized all the same. I can't even imagine what the people of NYC felt.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
I was asleep in bed. The phone rang. It was my girlfriend's mom. I was set to leave for New York the next week on business, and she was calling because she couldn't remember where I was and wanted to make sure I was at home. She kept screaming at us, telling us to turn on the TV, so I rolled into the living room, flipped on the tube, and spent the next few hours fixated on the TV. I made a mental map of where the towers were and where my friends lived in relation to them... started praying... I will never forget how I felt that morning. I will never forget the hurt in the peoples' eyes when I finally did make it to New York on that trip. I will never forget the strangers in bars I met after work on that trip, and hearing their stories... so much hurt, so much anger, so much grieving. I've never hugged so many sobbing strangers in my whole life, and that was three weeks after the fact. I can only imagine what it was like on the day. And I wasn't just in New York. I was working in Philadelphia, Newark, Trenton, and Boston as well.

I hope no one ever has to feel those feelings ever again. Senseless terrorism and killing have got to stop, anywhere and everywhere. Freedom from fear is just as important as freedom from tyranny, or freedom from evil. By 2050, the world's population is on target to grow to about 10 Billion people. It would be really great if all 10 Billion of us could get along, cooperate, and figure out how to live on this planet TOGETHER.


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Feb 22, 2005
I was in my car during work, traveling to one of our satellite school buildings to work on something or other. I heard the report of the first plane hitting the first tower and thought - this isn't good. The DJs yelled "another plane just hit" and I immediately knew it was terrorism. It took a few hours to be able to get online to see what happened and it pretty much consumed my attention the rest week.

A guy on another site I visit was a Marine many years ago and he said Marines don't like to admit it, but his eyes welled up this morning when he raised his flag. I've seen old, grizzly Marines weep at soldiers' funerals on Patriot Guard missions. I went to a bunch of them between 2007-2011 and every one was was extremely humbling. I've been to one (and shook the hand of that brave soldier) where we welcomed home a badly injured soldier that will spend the rest of his life in an assisted living home. I've been to a few welcome-home missions where we saw the immense support of our returning soldiers and saw the tears in their eyes when they realized that ordinary American citizens like me valued what they did. I've been yards from the protesters screaming hate-filled garbage about our country and still feel the anger that it generated in me at the time, while also supporting their right to protest.

I get emotional just typing things like this because I know that the reason they were/are being injured or killed is due to a radical, twisted group of religious fanatics and members of that religion that stay silent.

If I could have gone to DC this week on a bike I would have.