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Removing the smell from the car.

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Jul 27, 2013
Orlando, FL
I smoke cigars in my car a few times a week during my commute to work. While the smell doesn't bother me, I'll use Armor All wipes every weekend to pick up any smoke residue on surfaces and have a vent clip air freshener that does a decent job. I've also bought Zorbx and sprayed that here and there.

I usually smoke with my driver side window down a few inches, along with the rear driver side window the same to help with airflow, and turn off the re-circulation option on my AC. I use a Xikar Stinky ashcan in the car, to keep ashes where they belong.

Even though there may be some remnants of smoke in the car, its one of my favorite times to light up, as it makes Orlando traffic (almost) tolerable.
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Aug 1, 2013
Long Island, NY, USA
Is the smell of cigar smoke unpleasant? I smoke in my car and for about a day or two after it smells and then it goes away. I just leave a window cracked an inch or two all the time. But I enjoy the smell of lingering cigar smoke, maybe I'm weird but it's like a worn leather chair smell, every time I smell it I think that Sean Connery is going to walk up and tossle my hair and ask me to play catch before having "the talk" with me.
I like the lingering smell also. Makes me want to smoke a cigar whenever I get into the truck!. LOL


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I usually smoke with my driver side window down a few inches, along with the rear driver side window the same to help with airflow, and turn off the re-circulation option on my AC. I use a Xikar Stinky ashcan in the car, to keep ashes where they belong.

This is exactly what I do but I also have a Czonka air freshener going 24/7 in the car. About every 2 weeks I will also vacuum up any errant ashes, scrub out my Xikar ash can and wipe down the inside with simple green. After the cleanup I will place just a little bit of simple green in the bottom of the Xikar ash can and leave the cover off overnight. After doing this, I am not able to detect any smell at all.

As an aside, my coworkers and boss like to tease me about smoking in my car. As some of you may know I recently totaled my car. I had a couple of co-workers tell me that they imagined the stogie flying out of my mouth at the point of impact and burning a hole in the seat. To paraphrase my boss, "it's a shame that you will need to get a new car since you have worked so hard to get that one seasoned properly".
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Jul 28, 2013
Thanks a lot. I popped the cherry in the car and have had a few smokes on the way from work. Windows open, I'm a little leery of using an apple under my seat. Thanks again, I'll let you know Monday how it works. Taking a young lady out tonight and see if she notices it to badly. If she does....We'll be taking her car from now on. I'm not giving up my enjoyment on the ride home ever again.