Also, in addition to the slightly tweaked blend, these cigars were made to celebrate Netta and Marvin's wedding - not JD's - for JD's wedding we made combo boxes that featured the Chateau Real and Liga No. 9 ligas.This is absolutely not true.I'd have the guess that the Bashert is just a FFP with a different band. They don't look any different. Realistically it would be completely crazy for them to blend a new stick just to make a few hundred for his wedding. Not that JD isn't completely crazy enough to do it, but seems a little far to go.
The Bashert Pig uses the same basic blend as the FFP, but replaces one of the ligero leaves with a Seco leaf to tone down the strength and bump up the complexity (and which I can tell you from personal experience, changes the profile quite a bit). In addition, the foot on the Bashert Pig is cut a little higher than the FFP, to differentiate them.
Crappy Photo here ( I was too lazy to upload to the photo to the forum, sorry):
ps: As for the crazy ass prices, they really piss me off - to make LPs it required us 3 - 5 years on average and an ongoing investment of millions in tobacco on which we would make a couple of bucks on each cigar and then some jerk off buys a box on Tuesday either wholesale or retail and then marks them up on Wednesday so that he can make $10 to $30 a stick in profit?!?! - f'ing criminal imo.