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RIP Robin Williams


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Yes, it will bring attention to depression and help sites/places for it. But on average there are 22 veterans that take their own life every day. Not one word is ever mentioned about them. They've done more for our country than any entertainer, but they're not famous so it's not news worthy. That's what bothers me. I won't lose a wink of sleep or shed a tear for RW's passing, but I do think of our vets daily.
I've already seen a handful of articles posted along the lines of "The hidden illness of middle aged men"... Because one guy killed himself.

You'll never see a new channel run a headline about how there are more military suicides per day than combat deaths. Ever.

And not to compare one's demons to another's, but I just can't sympathize with a rich celebrity's "woes" as much as I can to young man's, who's seen his best friend blown apart & can't find a job because of his issues.
There are many things that aren't fair in life and this is one of those things where the comparisons of one to another is or shouldn't be compared. Those who take their own lives regardless of pedigree or circumstance isn't the issue...it's all about the "why" and depression doesn't choose it's victim as much as the victim is overwhelmed by circumstances and their ability to cope is compromised. They don't teach servicemen how to deal with stress in the battlefield nor do they teach them how to cope with what they dealt with in combat when they return home....what they do teach over and over is how to fight and dealing with the aftermath is something completely different. Some can deal with it...most of the service people in WWII and Viet Nam dealt with it privately and now it's a major item for those who come home. People in all walks of life deal with depression with therapy or medications that only treat the symptoms...not the core illness. The human mind is an intricate thing and science barely scratches the surface of how to deal with all of the emotions the mind presents. It's of no value to compare one persons depression to another...it's like comparing different cancers and if one can't empathize with either... then that in and of itself presents a problem for the person who looks at them through their own prism of judgement. We should all be caring for those that suffer regardless of their station of life...their pain is no different that the poor or rich man and only those who suffer with this really know.
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Oct 9, 2013
Easton, PA
Not much to say that hasn't already been sad. The world is a little less funny because of his death. While Robin's death shines a light on this issue for a few moments, people will have forgotten all about mental illness by next week, and will be onto what body part one of the Kardashian's is showing on the beach.

Depression hits people of all ages, genders, races, and religions. Some due to a terrible effect of their selfless service to the protection of others, and in some cases a very genetic issue. I have struggled with depression my entire life, as have my siblings, father, and grandfather. Most of society would prefer that people not talk about their depression, those with it can be discriminated against (in certain professions), and getting help can be very expensive as insurance limits what they will cover in terms of treatment. For me, I wont speak for others, the support of friends and family have been crucial to me finding my way out of the dark times I've had. When people feel that they can't openly share what they are going through and ask for help, it hinders their ability to overcome the darkness.

So I'm glad people are talking about it, as they did after many other celebrity deaths in the past, but until we as a society make openly dealing with depression okay, this issue will continue to stay in the closet for the majority of the population.
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May 26, 2013
Elizabeth City, NC USA

Not to thread jack but this a great example of standing up for vets and their rights.
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Oct 9, 2013
Easton, PA
The disturbing fact of depression is such a thing that only those who suffer from it know the intense pain it brings.
Very true.

It's very sad. Robin Williams was a great talent, but suffered with depression just many Americans do, taking the cowards way out is not the answer though. Talking to friends, your pastor, a health care professional or therapist is the key to starting to alleviate the issues.
I would say that friends, family, pastors, and healthcare professionals noticing changes in your mood, behaviors, etc. and taking to time to talk you is the key. I can tell you from personal experience that when you are that far in the dark you have no idea what to do, where to turn, or how to ask for help. You just want the pain, sorrow, and sadness to be over. To often individuals say "there's something wrong with bob", but don't take the time to talk to Bob about whats going on. Anyone who things that suicide is cowardly or easy, has never been close enough to death to appreciate how hard it is.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Thankfully I have never personally suffered from depression aside from being "bummed out" or upset over certain circumstances. I have however dealt firsthand with the affects of depression and bi-polar disorder with close family members and I can vouch for the fact that it is not as simple as "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" or wishing it away. Depression is a very serious disease and needs to be discussed more openly so that any stigma associated with it can be removed. If Robin Williams' death can provide a silver lining by bringing more focus to the serious issues of depression and suicide then I am all for as much publicity as possible. Unfortunately like someone else mentioned previously, by next week the focus will probably be back on some Kardashian or other worthless "celebrity".

If you want to learn more about Bi-Polar disorder you may be interested in this book. http://www.amazon.com/God-Placed-Her-My-Path/dp/1615078509/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1407948191&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=god+placed+her+in+my+path. If you would like to borrow a copy, please let me know and I would be happy to lend you mine for awhile.
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Jun 2, 2013
Excelsior, MN
Anyone calling Robin a coward should take a look at this article… http://popchassid.com/robin-williams-didnt-kill/

Though I don't personally suffer from depression, I have seen it first hand. People aren't themselves and they don't make decisions based on the logic that we use. They become totally different and all to often it has this outcome. Education and awareness are VERY important.
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Feb 28, 2011
All the education and awareness is great. If someone is depressed it still may not change the outcome.

2 1/2 years ago my neighbor had an accident at work...dinged up his truck, he worked for AEP for 25yrs. This was his first accident. The guy was OCP to start with and he worried about it for 2 weeks. His wife finally took him to see a shrink about it and on Tuesday the following week they were going back for a second visit. On Monday before the second visit, he waited for her to take their boys to school and he but a pistol in his mouth. He was to worried he'd lose his job.

Still makes no sense to me.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
All the education and awareness is great. If someone is depressed it still may not change the outcome.

2 1/2 years ago my neighbor had an accident at work...dinged up his truck, he worked for AEP for 25yrs. This was his first accident. The guy was OCP to start with and he worried about it for 2 weeks. His wife finally took him to see a shrink about it and on Tuesday the following week they were going back for a second visit. On Monday before the second visit, he waited for her to take their boys to school and he but a pistol in his mouth. He was to worried he'd lose his job.

Still makes no sense to me.
I read your post with great interest because you brought up something that few people will or do understand. To watch something of this magnitude play out as it did leaves one paralyzed...we are taught to find ways or answers to things we sometimes are ill equipped to understand...this being one of them. Those who take their lives by whatever means they think necessary do so because they feel they have hit the wall...no answers...nothing to dull the pain for whatever it is they suffer from. Depression is a big mystery...those who live with ....actually in it...are caught up in the swirling waters of something that is like a tsunami and they become powerless to deal with it and feel that their only way out is to stop the pain. Those who suffer from acute and chronic pain deal with depression so deep that they lose sight of reality...they just want to escape the daily grind of pain so severe it would cripple others...they grind it out only to know it returns again and again.

I understand it all too well....acceptance is a way out of the cycle and it takes a mindset dedicated with a help not many will consider...but it does work because I am living proof of it. When I read of people who take their lives it hits home for me...I know what they go through and I don't pass judgement as I just grieve for them because the pain is brutally real and non stopping. Imagine the pain of having your leg cut off with no anesthesia and you live with the throbbing constant pain daily with seemingly no end in sight...that's where your depression starts.


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
All the education and awareness is great. If someone is depressed it still may not change the outcome.

2 1/2 years ago my neighbor had an accident at work...dinged up his truck, he worked for AEP for 25yrs. This was his first accident. The guy was OCP to start with and he worried about it for 2 weeks. His wife finally took him to see a shrink about it and on Tuesday the following week they were going back for a second visit. On Monday before the second visit, he waited for her to take their boys to school and he but a pistol in his mouth. He was to worried he'd lose his job.

Still makes no sense to me.
First and foremost, I am sorry for the loss of your friend.

Second, while one loss by suicide is one too many, there is no way we (friends, family, or in this case, neighbor) can save everyone. You had mentioned earlier that 22 vets take their own life almost daily, but something that I think you do not realize is the spotlight on Mr. Williams death may have brought that number down to 21 today. Yes, 21 is still too many, but we need to realize that every life is precious. If one persons life is saved by the media blitz, then he did something that the one vets friends, family or neighbors couldn't, and for that we need to be thankful for. I, for one, am glad the media is in a frenzy over this. Who knows, there may be a brother reading this who is contemplating a life ending action. By this, I mean this thread, I'm not too presumptuous as to think I am that good of a writer. After reading this, and seeing such an outpouring of caring from other brothers here, the may rethink for another day, and that, my brother, is what highlighting Robin Williams death may bring.

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
Suicide is sometimes quite easily just a prescription away for anyone.
Especially with mixing antidepressants and booze.
Thoughts of suicide are a very very common side effect pills alone .
Just a tragic accident ? Happens alot I'm sure.