Electric Sheep
Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
Welcome....or rather, howdy!

:welcome:What's up? I'm brand new to all of this and was introduced when I went to visit my buddy, Panicbound. Never considered smoking cigars but knew he was getting into it and wanted to smoke with him since I was a novice. I had a C.A.O. Brazilian Gol! and I really liked it. Since then I've been trying to get started.
Got the humidor and my buddy is already sending me a care package to get get off the ground. I'm looking forward to talking to y'all and bouncing stuff off of y'all. Of course any ideas or suggestions on how to get the humidor ready would be greatly appreciated. Right now I'm in the process of prepping my humidor and I put the glass of distilled water in there on Thursday (5/17). I'm hoping it will be ready by the weekend so I can have some smokes over the holiday. I'm looking to ease into but wanted to know if there were any "must have" beginner smokes that I should be trying. Thanks for your help.