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Ruminations on the upcomming Partagas Reservas


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Mar 20, 2005
New York/Graz, Austria
I probably think about these things too much, however, that being said, I personally think that these are going to be a bit of a flop. Nine years ago, the Cubans released the 30th aniversary Cohiba Jar. Only 1000 were made. They retailed for $800 in Havana, more elsewhere. Nevertheless, they remain on the market to this day, after nine years. (No, I won't tell you where, outside of the two jars that are for sale for $600 at the LCDH in Riyhad, Saudi Arabia--pity its impossible to get a tourist visa there.) In 2001 the cubans rolled out the trinidad farm house humidor, of which there was to be just 1000 examples. Several of them are still availible on the primary market, at discounted prices. Just like the Cohiba 30th's, they plan to sell 1000 humidors of Robustos in a special humidor for $1000. They plan to prevent grey market sales by dumping everything on the market at the same time. However, while speculators and collectors will buy a large number, I doubt they will buy them all at the onset. If my memory serves me right, the Cubans sold the Cohiba Seleccion Reserva for $830 in Havana. After a month or so of dismal sales (during the festival), they lowered the price to $530. Is a simmilar future for the Partagas Reserva, and the even more expensive Reserva Selecta in the future? I personally think so. By the time the Reserva Selecta comes out in december, there will definally be some sort of discount. Anyone have any opinons on the subject? Agree, or disagree?


Staff member
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Dec 3, 2004
Completely agree. The only thing we can do to stop Habanos SA from gimmicking the habanos industry like the comic book makers did in the 90's with comic book covers is to vote with your wallet. Unfortunetly, there are people out there with wallets fatter than ours (avg. cigar smoker).


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
For some reason, I'm not real big on 'special edition' cigars. Primarily because I fear really enjoying them and then having to spend the $$$.
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Mar 16, 2005
havanaphile said:
I probably think about these things too much, however, that being said, I personally think that these are going to be a bit of a flop. Nine years ago, the Cubans released the 30th aniversary Cohiba Jar. Only 1000 were made. They retailed for $800 in Havana, more elsewhere. Nevertheless, they remain on the market to this day, after nine years. (No, I won't tell you where, outside of the two jars that are for sale for $600 at the LCDH in Riyhad, Saudi Arabia--pity its impossible to get a tourist visa there.) In 2001 the cubans rolled out the trinidad farm house humidor, of which there was to be just 1000 examples. Several of them are still availible on the primary market, at discounted prices. Just like the Cohiba 30th's, they plan to sell 1000 humidors of Robustos in a special humidor for $1000. They plan to prevent grey market sales by dumping everything on the market at the same time. However, while speculators and collectors will buy a large number, I doubt they will buy them all at the onset. If my memory serves me right, the Cubans sold the Cohiba Seleccion Reserva for $830 in Havana. After a month or so of dismal sales (during the festival), they lowered the price to $530. Is a simmilar future for the Partagas Reserva, and the even more expensive Reserva Selecta in the future? I personally think so. By the time the Reserva Selecta comes out in december, there will definally be some sort of discount. Anyone have any opinons on the subject? Agree, or disagree?
You have several valid points.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
vipe said:
Completely agree. The only thing we can do to stop Habanos SA from gimmicking the habanos industry like the comic book makers did in the 90's with comic book covers is to vote with your wallet. Unfortunetly, there are people out there with wallets fatter than ours (avg. cigar smoker).
Very, VERY well said. The only thing you could hope for in this instance is that the "regular" old boring cigars would drop in price some. But that is doubtful.
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Dec 30, 2004
Hopefully some of these "specialty" products will not sell well. If they do, then we can expect to see price increases on our regular cigars.


Herf Doctor
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Dec 17, 2004
Sailing Between Scylla & Charybdis
The trend toward pricing these 'special' New Releases quickly above the $300 -$500 per box mark is alarmingly silly... I realize that no marketing man worth his salt ever wants to leave a penny on the table ----however --- keep pricing these things into the stratosphere and they will again discover the other rule of marketing - that one has to do with a pricing point that is shunned by the buyer which leaves you with a warehouse full of unsold cigars !!!!


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
km13 said:
Hopefully some of these "specialty" products will not sell well. If they do, then we can expect to see price increases on our regular cigars.
You think? Why? I'd think it would go the other way. If there's that much of a demand for the specialty stuff, demand on the regular would go down, driving prices down I would think (assuming they still put out the same quantities).
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Mar 17, 2005
San Diego, CA
I'd like to think the tide may have already started to turn on Habanos SA. I've noticed for quite a while now that the Monte C EL has been deeply discounted by a few vendors and the Cohiba Reservas, as previously mentioned, are also not fetching their original prices. I've tried to stay away from the EL frenzy (save for the Hoyo-mids) and I'm glad to see so many other BOTL feel the same way.

That being said, I'm looking for the new RA Belis at reasonable price...feeding the Habanos hype marketing machine.
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Dec 13, 2004
The prices in Spain thread indicates these may be less elsewhere when they hit the street. With their limited production there simply aren't many to go around. That being said, I'd still like to try one.


Hi Ya Fellas
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Feb 1, 2005
I think I will get a few boxes of the PSP#2 for what a box of PSD4 SRs will cost. 50 cigars to 20 for 60 dollars less. Makes fiscal sense to me.