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Runners in the mist


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
Just Friday night I texted some friends saying I finished a couple strong IPA's, a strong cigar and was about to go out for a run... call 911 if you don't hear from me in hour and half. LOL

But I'm happy to have married into an active family... my in-laws in their mid-60's are still very active skiing, biking, hiking, golf, snowshoeing, etc, etc and it rubs off onto my wife and family. I've ran 2 marathons, a couple halfs and a bunch of other runs. I'm not a long distance runner but just do 3-4 miles regularly when I have time in between taking care of 2 young kids, work, making dinner etc. I just miss living in Hawaii as I loved being able to run in warm weather 365 days a year. I'm not a fan of running during the winter in Seattle... lol Cycling has been something I've been into the last few years as well doing some races and cycling with my father in law, uncle and the local bike club. Did one 100 mile ride last Summer which was great...

And yes, it would be pretty funny to see a bunch of dudes finish a run, sweating like pigs and then all firing up stogies. Not quite the stereotype of cigar smokers. lol
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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
Nice, not sure if you have been in there but there is a fitness forum area, not sure if running has been brought up or not.

I started running last year and over did it one run and had to take a break. Got back to it before the holidays and was doing really well until almost 3 weeks ago, in my left legs I got pretty bad shin split type sharp shooting pains. I went to the Doc recently and she told me to take it easy for a little while, even with my walking, but when I do get back into running if I feel it again than come in for an x-ray. Tomorrow I am going to attempt at least 2 miles and see how I feel, hoping I do alright as this year I really wanted to run my first 5K.