It really is amazing and agility?? not really, for free running, yes, but for parkour, no. Parkour is basic all the way, we where born with these abilities already, thing is we are so independent of the transportation we've created that we just stopped using them, but we have the ability to be agile for that "sport".
Run 4.5 to 5 miles six days a week. Smoke a cigar after lunch and after dinner. The only time I hav enoticed it was while running after big herfs when way too many cigars were comsumed.
if you don't inhale, smoke outside and away from the wind soas to inhale very little 2nd-hand smoke, and use a sinus rinse ... I'm not sure why it would effect you much at all. If you smoke inside or something, then of course it will.
Just getting back into running my self, I've not noticed a difference personally unless I run after a review. Something about taking all that smoke in through the nose to identify the notes in the retrohale does SOMETHING to my respiratory tract