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Sad news

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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
I'm so sorry. Keeping you guys and Bazooka in my prayers. The best advice to give since I've been through things like this before is spend as much time as you can with him before there's any decisions to be made. Love him like any other day. And if you do have to make that painful decision, spoil the living heck out of him and cherish those moments.
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
So sorry to hear about Bazooka Frost... it’s always tough to lose our four legged family members. I commend you for adopting a rescue and giving him a great life! I lost my bull terrier Norman to chronic kidney disease in February. I feel for you Brother and I will be praying for Bazooka and your family! Just FYI there is a herb called sweet wormwood that has been studied that kills cancer cells and shrinks tumors.
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May 7, 2017
Lexington, Virginia
Well I did get some halfway decent news about my dog today. He has a tumor on his spleen that appears to be only on the spleen and not his heart as well. One of his heart valves is leaking which is what they saw on the X-ray which is somewhat common for this breed at his age. The not so spectacular news is he also has a very large tumor inside his stomach which is the problem. They took a needle and took a cell sample to send off for tests. The spleen tumor isn’t that big a deal. He can survive without a tumor but they are afraid to operate on his stomach at his advanced age. They are hoping the sample comes back as non malignant and he can just live with it until God calls him home. Fingers crossed.


Hey Skimmer!
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Sep 16, 2010
Norfolk, Va
Dr Suess had a book called “Don’t be sorry it’s over, be happy it happened”. It’s hard to lose a family member. My heart goes out for you guys.
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May 7, 2017
Lexington, Virginia
Got some positive news today about my dog. They operated on him today which they were worried about due to his age and week heart. What they thought was a tumor on his heart was actually a collection of blood from a leaking heart valve which is apparently common with this breed and requires no treatment. The tumor on his spleen was actually not attached to the spleen but was just in the fat layer above the spleen and it was removed. He also had a very large tumor inside his stomach which had spread to his appendix which they successfully removed. They still don’t know if it was malignant until tests come back but hopefully I’ll have him a little longer. This was an expensive day for sure and I may be smoking nothing but factory seconds for a few years but he’s worth it. I appreciate all you guys support.