LOL... Those on the outside will never understand.
We don't ask that everytime the media brings up New Orleans, that it comes full turn back to Katrina, but does that mean that it should be totally forgotten about and ignored ?
Also, you'll never comprehend what the Saints mean to that region. Hell, it's damn near all we've got.
Personal feelings aside, how were the Saints "lucky" to get to, and win the Superbowl ?
I respect your feelings, your community, and your team 100%.
Like I said at the very start of my post, I am very aware that this all media fueled hype.
If Katrina had happened the same year that the Saints made their SB run, then that would have been awesome. 2 years out...Meh. 3 years...Not so much....But FOUR years?? Come on!
And once more...I WILL not ever understand the pain, suffering, and loss that your community has felt and in some cases continue to suffer through. It's tragic, and I respect and commiserate with the plight that still lingers.
But to continue to act as if the Saints represent some miraculous turn around for all that is (all be it media driven) just absurd.
Would it give another much needed shot in the arm? Sure! But the media makes it out like Katrina and her devastation will be reversed...bla bla bla. It's actually kind of perverse in a way.
IMHO, I think that the Super Bowl run was accomplished by a very good team that got lucky. They lost their last three games of the season to clinch a playoff berth, had a bye in the first round of the playoffs, and defeated a pretty weak Arizona Cardinals in the Divisional playoffs.
They then beat the Vikings (??? NOT a great team either) to face the Colts In the SB) who basically laid down and had one of their worst games ever.
Hey, if I was a Saints fan, I'd be happy and proud, too. But there are many (me included) who think they got pretty lucky...Just my 2 cents!