Small Batch Cigar is excited to announce the release of Sombrero de Copa, a cigar created in collaboration with Reddit’s /r/cigars community. The name Sombrero de Copa (top hat) is a nod to /r/cigars’ tradition of selecting an "Aficionado of the Month".
The blending process began over two years ago in early 2016 to create something as unique as r/cigars. To make sure this cigar was crafted with the community in mind, several members of the moderating team made a trip to Miami to visit Espinosa HQ. With head blender Hector Alfonso and a handful of blends, Andrew of Small Batch and the moderators chose the blend that best represented the community’s diverse palate. After the blend was finalized, users voted for both the name and design to put their mark on this historic cigar.
Sombrero de Copa features Nicaraguan fillers from Esteli (ligero) and Jalapa (viso), a Jalapa binder, and is finished with an Habano wrapper. The experience is medium in body and strength, leading with citrus and sweeter tasting notes while licorice and spice are noticeable through the nose.