I bought some chepos that looked like that and the little flip cam is held in place by a little piece of plastic and can fall out when you yank out the insert.Remember that lighter? Well I pulled out the insert to see how much fuel was in it (it arrived with fuel in it already, I was just curious). Well the insert was very difficult to get out of the case, so I looked at the bottom for the refill hole.....nope, so it has to be on the bottom of the insert (I've owned ed one of these before) so I finally get it out then it would not go back in again easily and that little part that is attached and helps with the lid opening and closing wouldn't stay up anymore.....so I contacted the vendor & Edgar Hoill himself......They sent me a replacement & I ordered another one (because they are so bad-ass).
They arrived yesterday, along with 3 new sticks courtesy of Edgar (he was at the vendor when I contacted them).
Now does anyone have experience with these type of lighters/inserts? They look like normal Zippos, but they seem a bit smaller......why would the insert be hard to get out and replaced? I contacted the vendor again last night that I couldn't pull the insert out of either one again and he suggested that they could be shaved down.....so as of now I have 2 cool lighters that once they are empty they may not be refilled......anyone have any tips?
Those are cool and it might just be that the manufacturer decided to cut cost by making the pin that holds the cam too cheap and they cannot withstand the force of you yanking them out. Look at the pin that hold the cam in place to make sure its fully inserted and not about to fall out before you yank out the insert.
I bought 2 for 9.99 of those zippo imposters and one broke before i could even use it once while the other one is still going strong years later. Mine had a screwed that held the insert in place but no cutouts for butane so you had to undo the insert screw than yank it out.