If you have a window, this should work. An acquaintance has one of these in the room over his garage. It works pretty well after about twenty or thirty minutes.Unfortunately only have a few days of cool enough weather to truly enjoy the garage, but it's getting closer to what I'm going for. Now to find a way to get an affordable a/c unit in here
No window but I've thought about cutting a hole in the side door to add one.If you have a window, this should work. An acquaintance has one of these in the room over his garage. It works pretty well after about twenty or thirty minutes. - Appliances&utm_medium=cpc&parent_category_rn=77101&top_category=10552&productId=134518&utm_source=google&mkwid=sKvhesfyy_dm|97445568317||&categoryId=28113&utm_term=&cid=cse-google-GSC - Appliances | Air Conditioners-GSC - Appliances#products/134518