I just finished off my Jameson. Probably going tomorrow to get some Elijah Craig.
Nice RACKPicked up a Fess Parker Pinot Noir, Klinker Brick Farrah Syrah and a couple bombers of Unibroue Terrible.
As a result, my current wine rack was full, and I was forced to expand.
So, not a beverage in itself, but a beverage related purchase, my new wine rack...
Great find, I have not seen them before and I live in Mass!Sister brought these back from the Berkshire's in MA. Gonna try to share them with bdc30 and wilfsimpson..... cheers boys let's get it done
Dude you must get every Founder's available!! Nice haul there. That backwoods bastard looks mighty tempting.Picked up some more Founders seasonals and a new rum to try,