I'm not technically a collector, however I do suffer the same predicament. I can't convince myself to smoke some cigars knowing that I may never have another. And I know they aren't going to get any better.
I have a Tat TAA 2012 that I KNOW will be beautiful right this very minute and will probably not get much better with age. Just can't pull the trigger. As is the case with a few others in my stash. It almost makes me feel better knowing I have it rather than the pleasure I would get from smoking it. And herein lies the answer. If you will have more pleasure having it to smoke "later" than you will have setting it to flame at this moment, then save it.
It's kind of like a lottery ticket. We don't really buy a ticket because we think we are going to win, we buy it for entertainment value. "What would I do with all that money?" The same holds true with that cigar we all hold on to. "It's going to be great, but I'll wait."
But that's my $.02. Truth is that even though I don't take my own advice, I urge you to smoke them. Life is short and you never know which cigar will be your last. Burn it brother.