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Smoking Less

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Apr 9, 2010
What is it with spouses this week? Just the other day at dinner, mine asks me "How many cigars did you smoke while I was gone? (She was in NY visiting her mom & dad for 11 days). My son looked me in the eye and said "Lie dad" (surely he was joking...).

Anyway, I say I believe 15 or so. She gave me the "you ain't gonna hit this for a week look" and retorted, "That's it. I am limiting you to no more than three per week." I ask, "Does it count if I go to a cigar event? She says "It does not matter. I do not want to hear the words "I've got mouth or throat cancer." I love you too much for that"

I counter with "OK, I will make you a deal. Three per week but...(here's where I know I will be ok) you know how I want you to tamp down your language?" She says "Yes." and I say Good, then for every cuss word over three in a week I add one cigar."

So far, I've only had three this week. But, it's only Thursday!
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Feb 2, 2009
Naples, Florida
I do not want to hear the words "I've got mouth or throat cancer." I love you too much for that"
That's more or less my wife's position. We talked and have come up with a temporary compromise. I will keep it to two a week, including herfs etc. She also wants me to lose about 35 lbs, which is fine because I really do need to shed the weight. So I told her I'd get the weight off and keep it off, but then I get to increase to 3/per week exclusive of herfs and special events. Seems like a fair deal and may help keep the peace.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I do not want to hear the words "I've got mouth or throat cancer."

Mine reads that line like its the bill of rights or something. "Don't worry Bren." The shit in all the food will get us both by the time the throat cancer even thinks about coming around!