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Smoking with your ladies


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
My wife of 40 plus years tolerates my cigar smoking. She likes the SoCal herf, she will sit outside with a group smoking cigars but ... it is tolerance not acceptance. I always figured I was lucky and she never really even wanted to try a cigar. I don't really want to quilt so we are both happy.
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Jan 22, 2011
SouthWestern Ontario, Canada
My wife doesn't give me any grief about my love of cigars other than the occassional warning when I go on a spending spree. :) She will ask me sometimes if I am going outside to smoke a cigar and if she feels like it sometimes she will sit with me but she has no interest in smoking. I will get a comment sometimes if she likes the aroma of a certain stick I am smoking. I have to admit.....I really enjoy my private man cave time alone enjoying a drink and a smoke. It gives me space to decompress and relax without having to carry on a conversation with anyone. Maybe I am strange but I have grown to enjoy my me time.
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Sep 18, 2011
The south
Negative. My wife can't stand the smell and that's fine by me. No offense but there's a reason it's called "brothers" of the leaf. They have their bunco and ladies night, and we have our cigar lounges. The last thing i want is to hear a bunch of girl talk about their cycles while i try and relax with the boys. IMO of course. I love you honey!
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
mine will sit with me, if the wind is blowing in the right direction (away from her) She doesnt care if I smoke and she would rather spend time with me while smoking outside, but inside the clubs we attend, she may have to go out for air once in a while. She is very sensitive to orders/smells/smoke....
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
My wife likes cigars. And she claims to like the stink on me. Love her. She's a keeper. Love having her there with me.

Fireman Mike, Milhouse and others....I do understand - years ago, had my ex-wife wanted to join me in the garage or on the deck, I'd have probably been pissed.

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
Wife can't stand the shit .
My Smokes are never within her grasp , as they would be at risk (somewhat) .If i smoke in her presence , its not welcomed but often conditionally tolerated . like when Im grilzing it up or drinking my booze heh


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
My wife is a hater as well. She usually tells me that I stink and used to say that she wished I had a different hobby but has come to accept it more and more over the past couple of years. I am also real sensitive to it though and usually throw my clothes straight into the wash machine when I get home.

Interestingly enough, I am at corporate HQ in Nashville this week. As I was sitting in the lounge last night there were 4 tables. I was at one and there were "couples" at the other three. Two of the women were smoking cigars with their mate and the third was smoking a cigarette. Then I went to a second lounge to pick up some JD Howards and there were two couples at that one all smoking together. It must be a local thing here in TN since it is not something that I have noticed in any other areas of the country.
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Aug 17, 2012
Lots of guys at the B&M i frequent in Portland bring their wives to events and most of them smoke cigars. Two women even run the cigar club there and they do an awesome job. But Portland is weird so ya.....
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Sep 20, 2013
Akron, OH, USA
My girlfriend of 5 years loves to join me when I smoke. She has on countless times asked if we could go to the lounge and pick a few up. Even if she doesn't smoke one herself she always wants to take a few puffs off mine. She isn't too knowledgeable about them but loves to act like it which is hilarious because she basically only knows what a maduro wrapper looks like.


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Sep 14, 2013
My wife hates it. She wilk never go down that road unfortunately. The idea of unwinding after work with my woman and a cigar, has always appealed to me.
Same. However she claims its because they take so long to smoke and "smell like old man". She likes to say that I am a 25 year old man living the life of a 65 year old. But occasionally she will sit out side and smoke some hookah while I smoke a cigar and make comments about how I spend too much time outside when I smoke and should be inside with her, so I tell her ill start smoking them inside. Haha. She hates when I say that. In fact shes glaring at me as I write this because I told her I was gonna put that.

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This is me too. Especially since I've gotten into pipes lately too. Ask me if I care though? :)
Oh man pipes are my next step. I'm just waiting for my newbie trade to finish up, which should be any day, so I can jump on the pipe newbie trade thread, cause I have no clue where to start with pipes lol.

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Aug 29, 2013
Southern California
My Girlfriend started out our relationship hating cigars and wouldn't even sit out near me when i had one, this summer she started to sit with me and then i finally got her to try one. A Perdomo Champagne 10th Anniversary...... And she really enjoyed the smoke. Now every few times i go out now she'll have a Cigar w/ me. Its nice relaxing with her and it not seeming like im forcing her to be outside while i smoke, shes an acid Kuba Kuba fan now.

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The perdomo is the same stick that got my gf smoking. I have probably bought a a tleast a box worth of fivers whenever they are on sale for her since she started. Great stick for beginners or even an experienced smoker that wants to enjoy something on the lighter side.
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Jan 28, 2013
Eldersburg, MD
My girl smoke cigs so at least she can join me when I'm smoking a cigar. I bought her some of the CAO flavored cigars, but she didn't care for them much. I'm going to pick her up a pack of the black Djarum cloves to see if she likes those. To her credit, she doesn't bust my balls about my cigar hobby.