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So Sad

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Jan 28, 2012
Merriam, KS
Sorry for your loss. My 2 boys are getting up there in age and I dread the day I have to face this. Be well brother.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Sorry for your loss man.

Prayers for sweet rest for Boudie in hound heaven
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Jun 10, 2017
Sorry for your loss.

One thing my wife and I do is to provide a foster home for rescued dogs waiting to be adopted . You might want to check that out.

We have our dog and we adopted one of the fosters so he can have a permanent home. He has cancer and will be leaving us soon. We have one open slot at the moment. The city only allows us to have 3 adult animals at any one time. We have had about 40 dogs come through over just over 3 years.

Our job is to provide a safe environment and make sure the dogs are socialized getting them ready to be adopted.

Once in a while he get one like Gibson and discover sever medical issues. The group we are involved with go way beyond other foster groups in providing Vet care to the rescued dogs. One dog had a $6000 operation to have a pacemaker implanted. That was a young dog that had a long life ahead. Gibson was too old and the surgery was too risky. So we decided to keep him until his natural end. The Vet gave him 6 months and were are 3 months in. Gibby is showing no more sysmptom other than he is deaf. He is always near one of us and if we are gone he has his foster brother to help him out.
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Jan 30, 2017
Thanks to all of you for the kind and understanding words. My wife and I are spoiling the hell out of Moe and in time we will find another puppy to add to our family.

Again, thanks for the support, good times always follow bad times.
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Jun 6, 2014
Joplin, MO
Boudie, I feel your pain and have experienced it way to often, most recently 2 years ago. After a couple of months we got Sawyer from a rescue and while he hasn't made us forget our love for Scooter, he is filling the void wonderfully.


Plus, he hunts wabbits!
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Nov 5, 2018
Platte City, MO
I feel for ya, man... Losing a dog is one of the hardest things that's happened to me. Our yellow lab, Gus, was put down at the age of 7 due to a fast growing tumor. I felt like a part of me went with him that day... Now, 2 years later, we finally got a new pup, but I still expect Gus to come running every time I get ice from the icemaker. He never missed a chance to mooch an ice cube...

It gets easier with time, but they never really leave you.


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Sep 7, 2013
So sorry about your loss, and the additional losses of life. I love our dog unconditionally. If she hives us 14 years like yours I am not sure how I would handle it to let her go. I am sure this is extremely difficult for you. Don't hold anything in. This place is a good one.

I used to frequent here but not so much for the last few years.
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
So Sorry for your loss Brother. It is always tough when we lose one of our 4 legged family members. They love unconditionally and are always there for us. I pray God comforts you and your family and hope the rest of your 2019 goes well Brother!
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Jul 22, 2014
Massachusetts or Grand Cayman depending on weather
That's the tough thing about dogs. We become so close to them, knowing that we are going to outlive them. But you would never trade the pain of losing them for never having the opportunity to bond with them in the first place. When we lost our last dog I didn't want to get another one - why go through this again - but my wife prevailed and now we have the best dog since the last dog. And your next pup will be as well. And your screen name will be a lasting tribute to a good friend.