Huge Gaiman fan here, his "Sandman" comic series was awesome. If you haven't read them you can get them in graphic novel format at your local shop.Reading "Coraline" by Neil Gaiman (Hehehe, Alfonso gifted me the book. I love the movie)
Cool!Huge Gaiman fan here, his "Sandman" comic series was awesome. If you haven't read them you can get them in graphic novel format at your local shop.
by Leslie Marmon Silko?right now im reading this book Ceremony... not bad... structured oddly
Excellent read!From time to time I try to keep up with my less-than-fluent Spanish. Right now I am reading "Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Cancion Desperada" by Pablo Neruda.
( I read Spanish much better than I speak it, and I speak it much better than I can understand it when others are speaking!)
Saully:Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I'd planned to read it "someday," ever since I saw "Who is John Galt" written on a bridge near my high school. Waited only 40+ years.