Very sorry to hear this man, update your resume, and get back out there, good luck bro, that SUPER SUCKS!
Actually that was back in the 1980's I bounced back, turned a part - time business, into a full - time business. I have a grub stake like a 49er looking for Gold. It was something I saw coming, and it gave me an opportunity I would have never had, had the company not let me go.
The sad part of the story was a company that had worked hard for had been in business 50 + years, went under because they did not change when new aggressive competitor enter their market place.
Yes I was lucky, had some lucky breaker, but the bottom line is had I not been let go. I would have never ever done my thing full time, wound up having so much fun, making big money, and I thanked my old boss for axing me.
Sometime when a door slams you in the face, you just got to look for another door call opportunity to open. JMHO
Many years ago there was a big sign in the Glendale, CA YMCA. You say it when you enter the main entrance. It said
"Winner Never Quit, Qittters Never Win'. Six simple words that mean a lot, easy to remember.