I am convinced that no matter how it ended, millions of people would have been pissed. This reminds me a lot of Seinfelds last episode. People weren't sure what to expect, there was speculation of several different plots that could potentially unfold. In the end, it was an ending that no one expected and it was a huge let down for millions of people and at the same time, a brilliant ending in the eyes of millions more.
I don't understand what everyone wanted here. Tony dead? Hell if you think about it, there really aren't that many more people to kill other than T. Most of the main characters that we watched weekly are already dead. What the hell else do you want? If Tony would have been killed, everyone would be complaining that there isn't going to be a movie (whereas everyone is now complaining that there will likely be a movie).
I have been reading about people canceling their HBO subscription because of the way the way the show ended. I would be willing to bet that more than half of them would have canceled anyways. The Sopranos are the only reason I hooked it back up a few months back and if it weren't for Entourage. I would disconnect it.
Again, I loved the show and the ending. I am having a hell of a time getting the song Don't Stop Believing out of my head. :sing: