Shoehorning a 5.0 into a Miata, is like strapping a rocket pack to your ass while on roller skates: ala Wile-E-Coyote.
Done right, nobody'll be the wiser, and you can EAT ricers for lunch in their lame ass Honda's.
I'll keep watching, I like Stacey, and he's doing it justice.
As for his other projects - I'm a Bronco guy, hell, I've got 2; but I'd proudly roll out in the Sgt Rock and the Wicked Willys, and I've wanted to do a late 30's - early 40's pickup (IH, Willys, Dodge) with a cool retro drivetrain, and a lot of hidden modern goodies to make it go.
On a seperate, but related note: Spike did get rid of the goofball wrestler guy on Trucks, and replaced him with a 98lb weakling. Their ratings are soaring.:hysterica