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Sunday Night Football

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May 18, 2013
New Orleans, Afghanistan - Georgia
Appreciate country music...well...since before I was able to sing, I was singing country. Before I could hear music, I was listening to country. Most American idol contestants...country...any vocal competition for that matter. This is due to the fact that singing country music takes little to no talent at all vocally or lyrically. (I may get taken out back and beaten to hell for saying all this lol just realized that. But it is all in fun and my own opinion) Where actual talent plays a role in country is the guitar playing...that takes talent. But singing and writing country songs is something a 4 year old can do, that's how old I was when I started lol. Now, that being said...country western is a whole different story. Cash and Lewis and the likes of the old country western cats...that was talent. Country musicians today profit off of singing about the same tired topics, especially since 9/11. Any song with the word America in it will sell to country fans.

Stepping off my soap box now. Gotta go find a suitable rope for YA'LL to lynch me with :tiphat: