Sounds like a bet to me...The team you r hoping wins is going to lose, badly......
Okay, so I wasn't the only one to think so.....Sounds like a bet to me...
As an ex CT resident I want to see the Pats get squashed. Them Fugger's deserve a special place in the manure pile.@Jesse, is that Avatar a pic from yesterday's game? That was fast.
Hoping the Seahawks pull it off, can't stand Belichick (says the guy from CT). But the Seahawks didn't look very good yesterday and NE looked almost unstoppable.
Why would you voluntarily make a tuna sandwich? You're only punishing yourself...I'll be eating a seachicken sammich on gameday.
I say this as a Washington resident: I can't stand Sherman or his mouth. I also think as mildly humorous as is non-interviews are, Lynch needs to quit acting like a spoiled brat, man up and talk to the media. You signed a contract that said you would, and you get paid millions of dollars... do what you said you would do when you agreed to take the money.I hate Richard Sherman so I'll be pulling for the Pats. I'd root for the Seahawks but Sherman just leaves me in such a state of anger that I hope he plays with his "injury" and then has Brady throw every touchdown pass against him. That might shut him up for 10 seconds.
I used to live in Boston from 1999 to 2004 and was a big Pats fan...I remember when Bledsoe went down and this kid came in and you could see right away that he was going to be something great. Even with all of the bologna with Spygate and DeflateGate the NFL knows that every team does things that are shady from PED's to having players go from one team to another and then spilling the "secrets" of the offense/defense as to what they knew. Coaches are smart people....they know their jobs and they don't really need to spy to get info...they've been doing their jobs for a long time. I also lived in Indy for a few years when Manning was there and I saw a ton of their games....but the Colts lost to the Pats regardless of what they say about the balls being deflated....the Ref's handle the ball more than the QB's do so why didn't they raise the issue....because there wasn't one if they were doing their job correctly. I can tell if a ball is over or under inflated just by handling it so enough with all of the BS about any Team having an advantage......they don't and I can't wait for Brady to throw at Sherman and then see him whine like a girly man at the end of the game.Patriots hands down.....and I will be looking for Sherman 's excuse after the game.
Couldn't agree more! I'm neither a fan of the Pat's or Seahawks, honestly I dislike both... But Brady and Belichick (as much as I hate him) are a machine!I used to live in Boston from 1999 to 2004 and was a big Pats fan...I remember when Bledsoe went down and this kid came in and you could see right away that he was going to be something great. Even with all of the bologna with Spygate and DeflateGate the NFL knows that every team does things that are shady from PED's to having players go from one team to another and then spilling the "secrets" of the offense/defense as to what they knew. Coaches are smart people....they know their jobs and they don't really need to spy to get info...they've been doing their jobs for a long time. I also lived in Indy for a few years when Manning was there and I saw a ton of their games....but the Colts lost to the Pats regardless of what they say about the balls being deflated....the Ref's handle the ball more than the QB's do so why didn't they raise the issue....because there wasn't one if they were doing their job correctly. I can tell if a ball is over or under inflated just by handling it so enough with all of the BS about any Team having an advantage......they don't and I can't wait for Brady to throw at Sherman and then see him whine like a girly man at the end of the game.