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Taste Bud Sick Period?


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Dec 14, 2004
On Lake Cumberland Kentucky
I think too many cigars in a short period of time sem to burn my taste buds out.

Every now and then just have to take a time out. Sometimes quality is better than quanity.
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Jul 16, 2006
Upstate NY
CWS said:
... No smoking in the hotel, lobby or lounge so I went outside and sat on the damn curb. Cigar tasted awful. Next day same thing. Lots of stress and then uncomfortable smoking setting. When I flew home and gotin my car, I lit up the same cigar, wonderful. I think the setting really makes a difference as well as the food factors. 2 cents
i completely agree. IMO cigar smoking is more of an experience than an action, and one's setting while smoking has great influence over the pleasurablilty (real word?) of the smoking experience. a "great" cigar that draws poorly tastes much worse to me than a "cheapo" one that you just light up and enjoy the ease of smoking it. being rushed also severly cuts into my enjoyment. i'd rather leave a cigar 1/2 smoked or even less and take my time than hurry to finish it. furstration and stress - about smoking - kill even the best cigar for me.
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Oct 15, 2006
Mouthwash definietly does help. Listerine user over here.
I use Biotène.

I learned about it from dealing with tongue bite, taste bud burnout and other oral problems caused by pipesmoking. It doesn't burn because there's no alcohol (which can aggravate things), it heals, moisturizes and kills bacteria in the mouth, and it has enzymes that create a good environment in your mouth.

At first, I was just using it when I had a problem and it healed things in a couple days. Now, I just rinse a couple times a day with it to prevent problems in the first place. It helps a lot.

If you use this along with things like proper hygene, tongue scraping, and rinsing out your mouth with water after a smoke, it helps even more--and can possibly help prevent oral cancers.