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Tatuaje Regios Reserva (Maddie)

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Mar 28, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
What can I say Tj?!?!

I don't see that Haaaaa! fella over here at BOTL....and that speaks VOLUMES of my interest in just readin' about cigars versus all the other BS.

Anyone whose spent anytime at Cbid knows what I'm talking about.

I'm just a cynical, sarcastic, cigar-lovin' mo-fo.....what can I say?
Hi KPP, welcome to the board. Sounds like you know at least one guy here.

Swing on by the [ame="http://www.botl.org/community/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=23"]introductions forum[/ame] and say hi. :stretchgr


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
What can I say Tj?!?!

I don't see that Haaaaa! fella over here at BOTL....and that speaks VOLUMES of my interest in just readin' about cigars versus all the other BS.

Anyone whose spent anytime at Cbid knows what I'm talking about.

I'm just a cynical, sarcastic, cigar-lovin' mo-fo.....what can I say?
What's up, bro! Glad you finally made it over here :stretchgr:facerub::awholelot:bouncetau:cjump: :sadpace::stickbeat


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Jan 5, 2010
Vancouver WA
Yeah...it took me a bit to find my way over here Nate, but I simply couldn't resist any longer. I've gotta admit, what has kept me away from here for so long is getting comfortable with navigating the forum site. I need to work on that!!....LOL! But you can't argue with the quality of the intel here. I've used it a time or two to get some info on some HTF Tats here & there ;).

And Phi Delt, thanx for the welcome bro. I'll make my way over to the introductions here soon I'm sure.

Btw Nate....clearly you have way more emoticon experience than I!!....but I'm a stickler for practice :laugh:

Psojka RP,601

This place IS my vacation
Rating - 94.7%
19   1   0
Feb 11, 2010
Plainfield, IN
Ok,the story of the regios and noella reserva, as I was told by the area tat rep, is that they were cutting wrappers for the cojonu and wound up cutting a bunch too small. So rather than scrap them, they decided to wrap up a very small number of noellas and regios with the too-small wrappers. They were a one time deal, with the noella being the absolute best of the two. If you happen to come across any, pick them up, as they arent being produced currently, and tat seems to have no plans to make them a regular line. My hometown shop has a box of the regios left, and I may not be remembering the numbers correctly, but i think they only made about 500 boxes of each, total. Great, rare cigars, and no, i'm pretty sure that right now there are no plans to remake them, although i would only LOVE to be wrong. Would kill for just one more box of the noella reservas. They smelled horrible, but MY GOD did they taste great. Now i can't smoke any of the ones i kept, cuz i cant find em anymore. Lemme know if you see em somewhere.
Yes, that is correct from what i know also