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Thank you Nestor!

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Feb 19, 2010
Bamberg Germany, via WA/CA
1. I agree with Craig Mac.

2. I call BS on the guys, even good cigar buddies of mine, who claim to pick up notes of cashew and lavender or what have you. The truth is they tasted something they liked, and they searched their brain for something of this earth that could possibly be similar. I would prefer simply put phrases such as "nutty" "floral" etc.

3. I am not innocent in this, but I admit when even I am fullash!t. I am guilty for saying a stogie had notes of chicken on a grill and white chocolate. Now if only I remembered which those were.
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Feb 22, 2009
I can understand. I'm new to cigar smoking (April 2010) but have developed my palate to pick up on the "flavors" of cigars. I am into fine wines and the concept is the same. You really don't "taste" those flavors, your palate "associates" with these common tastes.
I did some research and found that we all have taste buds, some have way more than others. There is a little test to see if you have a lot. I found myself to have what they call "super taste buds" (over 150 in a small area). This is the reason why I can "taste" and associate the flavors. This is true for wines, cigars, and food. You also loose taste buds from your palate as you grow older.
I agree with everyone though, either you like it or you don't. Everyone's taste is different, if you like it smoke it. Be Blessed...:smile:

Well you really don't pick up notes such as leather, cocoa, or espresso with your taste buds. You pick them up with your nose, whether it's wine or cigars. Your taste buds pick up saltiness, sweetness, acidity etc. That is why you sniff wine before drinking, and with cigars you retrohale a little whether with smoke or after blowing the smoke out.

As to the original post Larry... sometimes I will describe a cigar with a specific flavor such as espresso, black pepper, or peanuts. Most of the time thou I generalize a bit more and use terms like earthy, leathery, peppery/spicy. I find it's much easier and more accurate rather than try to pick out specific flavors. In the end thou what matters is did I like it? yes or no. Usually that's good enough!
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May 26, 2010
Flemington, NJ
I found that quote very refreshing! The bottom line is that no matter what your 'criteria', we are all searching for "...wonderful smokes".