So, while watching the shenanigans and hilarious events taking place in chat, MASW, and the forum over the past week I realized how important the "brotherhood" has been to me lately. A little over nine months ago, I moved away from all my friends and family to a foreign land named North Carolina. It was at BOTL herfs I've managed to meet some great brothers like @Catawbamatt, @daleo8803, @JuzCallMeDee, @squaresoft, and @usmcpurcell. After a little more than a month after moving here I as struck by sudden sadness as my mother passed away suddenly. I wasn't prepared for the loss of someone I loved very dearly, and was immediately consumed with grief, regret, and guilt. Thankfully, BOTL and the "brotherhood" has provided me with plenty of distractions and laughter to help me deal with this tragedy. Being away from my friends and family have made feel isolated and alone. Some people deal with tragedy through therapy, and thankfully BOTL has acted as a m of therapy for me as the constant musings and shenanigans has prevented me from be as sad as I felt originally. I wanted to thank the following brothers for provide me a distraction, but also wanted to say thanks to those who I forgot to mention: @sofc @manbearpig @ChuckMejia @acc05R1 @ChefBoyRG54 @ATL @nic