This seems like as good a place as any to post this without making a new thread. First things first, Alan, I can't agree with you more. Those of you who know me know that I came here for the knowledge and stayed for the Brotherhood. Those of you who don't know me, sit down and listen. BOTL is a special place with some very generous and knowledgeable members. I joined here while I was deployed and rekindling my enjoyment of cigars. I learned so much by reading and searching all the threads and asking questions. Sometimes these were questions that were asked numerous times but everyone was cordial and very helpful.
Not too long after I joined a member, Ken Mischio, told me he wanted to send me some cigars. I was very confused at first because I had no idea what a Bomb was or what it truly meant. To be honest, I thought it was weird, but eventually it all made sense and I was truly grateful.
I realized I had found a very special place for a cigar smoker. A place to learn, a place to meet like-minded people, a place to make friends like no other place on the Internet and a place to share a hobby that no lounge in any cigar shop could offer. This place was BOTL, Brothers of the Leaf. It wasn't Clique of the Leaf. There have been many people show up and not quite fit in with the vibe of this place. One of the things that resonated with me was the saying that some of these people come but they won't stay because they aren't here for the Brotherhood.
There was a huge influx of new members as Puff took a shit and left many people stranded. There were a variety of characters that showed up and either became solid Brothers (you know who you are) or just went by the wayside because they were fucking shitheads. During this time there were plenty of BOTL Vets who spoke up and told these shitheads to know their place and learn the rules and history of this place before they started making waves and looking for handouts. It's not hard to figure out how to fit in here, for Christ sakes, Craig Mac started a thread about it.
Over the last six months or so, here is the part where I'll probably catch a bunch of shit from newbs who think they are bigshots, but fuck it, it needs to be said. There has been a lot of activity that has made quite a few members here not want to be as active as they were before. PIF threads have been over run with the same people who bomb or pass to the same people over and over and over again. Every thread has turned into a Make a Wish thread. Bombs are running rampant and have ultimately lost the meaning and the spirit of what they really are. New members are rude and cocky for no reason. How many fucking Seasoning a Humidor/RH threads can be posted in a week. There is a Search bar for a reason. I remember when there was actual cigar related material posted in "Cigars" under the General Cigar Forum.
When I click on "New Posts" the majority is either Introductions or Bombers Basement posts. All of this pretty much tells me that people are joining just for the opportunity to get free cigars. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way because I have had discussions with many of you who shall remain nameless. I will let you speak up if you choose. Regardless of what anyone thinks some of you and your behavior/attitudes have alienated senior members and ultimately made this place less of a Brotherhood. This has been a long time coming and needs to be said. If I'm the only one who speaks up so be it. I have a strong back and broad shoulders and can bear the burden of being considered an asshole. If any of my words rub anyone the wrong way then maybe you should take a good look at yourself and determine if you are part of the problem or actually part of the "Brotherhood" that truly is BOTL.