FPDoc77 said:
I can't stand the theater. There is always someone coughing, acting up, or a 7 foot man decides to sit right in front of you. Not worth the 10 dollar ticket.
100% agreement here. That's why I invested in a 6.1 audio system and a projector.
The lady was skeptical at first, but after the first viewings she refuses to go to a theater too.
I only go to the theater for "special" movies like Star Wars or the LOTR trilogy.
Back on topic, I didn't see the movie (obviously), but I did read the books and enjoyed them for what they were, fluffy easy reading drama.
Almost like romance novels for thinkers, a guilty pleasure.
I really don't see the problem, if your faith is shaken by a Hollywood movie and fluffy novel, then maybe you need to meditate on your real beliefs.
All my Catholic friends, liked the book for what it was, enjoyable fiction.
Anybody that takes what a fiction author says as absolute truth without thinking for themselves or doing more research deserves to be fooled.
I do understand not paying money for or wasting time watching something that doesn't appeal to you. As much as the Lady of The House protests, I will never watch Terms Of Endearment.