I had a hunch I wasn't alone JustinI've had one maybe 3 (can't remember off the top of my head) plugged cc the last 2 years. It was a farm rolled. While I've had a handful of "tight" draws none where un smokable. Mostly 08 09 10 11 boxes. I would like to hear from alot of the other daily/semi weekly CC guys with their experiance on this issue. Btw kyle I think many others have followed the same path at roughly the same timeline.
Regarding construction....i'm with you there as well. Construction has been consistently good i'd say from the inventory i've purchased (08-11). I've had a couple tight draws, yet still smokeable. My 09 Party 898Vs being one, which I haven't revisited in quite a while. And also an 08 Juan Lopez 1 that was much firmer than I'd prefer. I can't recall a completely plugged stick i've smoked that's been recent production. Last one I had that was unsmokeable was an 01 Punch DC, and that was just plain awful. Pitched it an inch in, but that was one I got in trade, and I suspect from the "sale stock" a certain vendor offered back in the day.
That said, I can't argue w/ the fact the NCs are considerably better w/ the QC and minimal to no construction issues vs. Cubans. However, I don't think twice these days when I make a cc order..where i'm worried if i'll get a box of tight smoking cigars. If a few in a box are firm, that's a risk I'm willing to take, because again, cubans are what i've found to suit my palate the best.