Glad it worked out for you. I also use the purge to reheat and fix crooked burns. Instead of touching up the cigar with your torch, do few long purges until the cherry gets super red hot. It'll fix crooked burns most of the time.You guys are great. I just had an Oliva Connective Reserve and the experience was much better! The cigar itself was just ok, but I was able to smoke it without any issues. In the past I'd only purge prior to a relight and even then it was just a couple of quick blows. This time I purged periodically and for long, maybe ten second blows. I'd watch the cherry closely then do a very soft puff to check the draw. Perfect every time! I never required a relight and that "plug/buildup" I was referring to before didn't occur. I could've easily smoked it all the way to the nub but I ran out of time and my presence was requested at the lake to grill food for friends. Thanks everyone!