So let's see if I've got this straight: the oils migrate to the suface, crystallize, then over years the crystals morph to plume? And this is not the same as the topical "gold" found on some leaves do to the mineral content of the growing soil.
Correct. But now that I think about it, ATL is probably right about what's being seen on the Jason, and on my older Tats as well.
I've always made the assumption that what I saw on certain wrappers was crystallization since it looks "crystal-y", and theorized that someday that would turn into ploom, since that's what ploom is. But in my experience, I haven't actually
seen crystallization occur before ploom shows. For example, I don't think I've ever seen visible crystals show up on an Opus, but I have seen ploom.
I assume what we're seeing on the Tat wrappers is mineral flecks, and ploom grows from microscopic crystals we don't actually see.