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The Official It's Damn Cold Thread


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
It's 82F/28C here right now. RH is at 32% which is a bit higher than normal. Sure this sounds pretty nice, but I must add that there's a mild sandstorm outside right now. :p
too cool!! well, not really, but, you gotta keep us more in the loop!! weather, et al...

as for a cold front, we'll get snow in our local mountains,,, about the 5000 ft level!


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
It is -8 @ 11:00 pm, we have a lil cold snap on the way in, it is said we will get to -20 to -40 across the northen part of MN tonite and may warm up to 8 tomorrow, it is brrrrrrrr cold outside
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Nov 26, 2007
Over in the Sandbox
The weather out here this time of year is really weird. It can go from 65F to 80F in a matter of minutes with just a slight change in wind direction. Also, if the wind is blowing one way, it's really dry. If for some reason it's blowing the other way, it can feel like Florida in the summer. It's really bizarre. We should be getting some rain soon as it's the wet season. The locals here drive like absolute idiots, and don't realize that you have to slow down when conditions are lousy. On the first good rain of the season, early in the morning on my way to work, I usually see 3-4 accidents on the highway, with one or more cars completely flipped over. The worst part is that I've gotten so used to it I don't even react anymore.

Hell, getting off the highway yesterday morning on my way into work, there was a bus flipped over on its side right in the middle of the offramp. There was nobody around, and no one inside. It was just sitting there by itself. I drove by, glanced inside the front through the missing windshield to look for casualties, and went on my merry way. :) OK now I'm going on an off-topic Kuwait rant.

Question... How do you guys actually pronounce BOTL? Do you say it like BEE-OH-TEE-ELL or just "bottle"?
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Nov 26, 2007
Over in the Sandbox
That's what I get for not using the Search function. Thanks a lot! I've been around the military too long, everything is a damn acronym. I've been guilty of pronouncing it "bottle". I will force myself to smoke a Swisher Sweet everytime I say it wrong. That should retrain me in no time. :) There's nothing like the taste of wet dog wrapped in wet cardboard to steer one away from bad habits. :p


BoM August '07
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Dec 16, 2004
Sterling, CO
-9* outside as I'm getting ready to start my finals! No wind. Just crisp, cold air.
I opened the door and the dog looked up at me and was like 'f**k you, bitch! I ain't goin' out there!'.
These are the kinds of days where I love my car!



BoM Nov '07 & Jan '09
Rating - 93.8%
86   4   1
Apr 9, 2007
Green Bay, WI
13 this morning when I left for work. But you know the nice thing about living in Green Bay, when you go to a Packer game in the winter...your beer never gets warm. Although if you don't drink it fast enough, you get beersicles.
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Nov 26, 2007
Over in the Sandbox
I'm not too worried about global warming. I figure at some point in my lifetime we'll have WWIII complete with nukes, and if my super advanced Beautiful Mind type calculations are correct, the nuclear winter will counteract global warming to make the entire earth a nice, comfortable 68F. :)