BoM March '14

Anyone looking for cheap and easy cellar labeling?
Just got mine about an hour ago. I think it was the last one or they hid a few on shelves above the racks. Either way I got it. If you can get on-line, call the store close to your for availability. That's what I did. Thanks enabler!!!!At that price I don't blame you! Only thing stopping me is I really don't have the time to drive there right now. I should have jumped at the online order myself, huh?!
I love anything McClelland, but I can't access the thread.If anyone wants in on McClelland 5100 Red Cake at $2.25/oz, I'll set up a group buy. The other bulk McClelland as well, but likely not at that quantity.
Yeah but with that sale the more you buy, the more you save!For the Savinelli hound on a budget:
An additional 15% off of posted Rossi prices. (doesn't show up until part way through checkout, the Rubino line comes out around $53 and change, shipped) No coupon code needed, and always free shipping within the US!
I DON'T need more pipes...
I DON'T need more pipes...
I DON'T need more pipes...
Also Mike at TPC has his radiators at 105 shipped which may be a little cheaper since it won't be international shipping
When does this deal expire?
No Idea,,got this from a Brother on another forum, I would think due to the promo code that it is a Thanksgiving deal.When does this deal expire?
Was for Canadian Thanksgiving.When does this deal expire?
He just out on IG ends tomorrow at midnightWhen does this deal expire?