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The term "Boutique" describes a good construted cigar

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BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
I honestly do not understand this discussion. But I'm a simple man. If I like a cigar, I smoke it (don't care who makes it, rolls it or whether I like the owners or the rep.) If I don't like a cigar, I do not smoke it.
I am with the both of you.

This reminds me of the old "I'm more punk than you," pissing contest the over-privileged, suburban youth had at my High School... it all boiled down to how one measured the socially constructed term "punk." But no matter how you defined it, at the end of the day, it is just about who had the best record collection... and what did that matter? If you liked a record, great. If not, sell/give it to someone who would like it. Done.


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
Dan you forgot to say "aged" before t52
It's not the aged part. It's the pre 2011 blend that I care about. You can age a 2011 and later one for years and won't be the same. At least for me and since it's my opinion, I'm the only one who counts.
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Aug 13, 2012
Lamar CO
unfortunately we are driven by brand recognition (mainstream) among other things. No mater how good or bad the cigar is, some folks want to be seen smoking certain brands as status symbol.
I agree and disagree. Some people want to be seen smoking certain brands so they can associate themselves as being some kind of authority or because that seems to be what everyone else is smoking. There's also fanboys out there that only smoke this because it's the best and everything else is sub-par. That's their problem. I don't think that by labelling yourself as a boutique or ultra-boutique or producing super rare or ultra high end products is doing anything but perpetuating that to some degree. I smoke cigars because I like cigars. And ultimately I smoke cigars I like to smoke, so I may like stuff other people don't and I might hate what other people really like. Everyone's tastes are different. Those brands that have recognition got that recognition for a reason. That reason is that people like what they have to offer.

We are also driven by "ratings" which are political and overrated...however we will continue to deliver a great product.
I think a lot of people here would agree with you about ratings. Especially when the CA list comes out. And cigars isn't the only hobby that ratings is an issue for. Beer too has problems with trying to assign a number to something as personal and subjective as taste. I don't know how many "Top (insert any number you'd like, but it's usually 5 or 10) Beers of (the month, year, decade, all time, etc)" I've seen. Usually I haven't even been able to try them all or if I've tried a good deal of them and don't agree with some because they weren't my thing. The same with cigars. I'll see a certain cigar will have a 93 rating by such and such magazine. So what. If it seems like it's something I'd like I'll get around to trying it.

I can appreciate the topic if boutique vs mass produced cigars however this seems to be an advertisement from a cigar company to Botl, which I think should be reserved for the sponsors since they pay to have that right. Now some are going to say Jd and Pete post here how is that different, the difference is they are not advertising their cigars.

A lot of wisdom here in that the debate between "boutique" and manufactured cigars from the Big Box Manufacturers seems to always incite more debate than there needs to be. Marketing/Advertising always loves to use descriptive words to bring in consumers and the term boutique seems to say to consumers that they are different and better in quality...which isn't true at all and I have a lot of good friends who sell "boutique" cigars. I agree with Angry Bill 100% in that just about any product sold has a marketing brand that pushes their sales.

Boutique brands depend on the concept that the word itself is a description of a "better" product because of the word itself....it is supposed to separate itself from the common so that tends to make people think it's better. For a lot of consumers it's the flavor profile that sells us...not the advertising and if anything I tend to judge cigars more harshly when I think they are trying to use hyperbole and smooth advertising to sell a product.

For this particular brand I do have my curiosity peaked but I also tend to worry when somebody calls their product something better than what is already out there w/o ever having proved it...esp. when it is being marketed to the "High End Luxury Smokers" which we all know means higher prices. Let's hope the hype matches the reality. I've seen the website and while there is a description of the cigar there are no prices...why? That usually throws up a red flag that a lot of boutique brands will do...sell the consumer on just the description alone but you have to understand that Cigars are a price motivated market...don't hide pricing and don't act like any of those companies that go on and on about the product and never answer the questions about price...it is a factor no matter how good the product.
Was just on their site myself, if you click "shop" at the top of the page and then one of the cigars they do indeed have pricing. Just have to look past the home page. $8 a stick for 5ers and same for boxes near as i can tell, having been through a couple boxes myself I think they are well worth it at twice the price. Hell i've had sticks at twice the price i couldn't stand!
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