Well, figured i'd let you all in on my current situation, as prayers and support will most assuredly be necessary.
I lost my job on Saturday...the day before my birthday. Happy FLIPPIN' Birthday, right?!?! Oh, and Merry Christmas too! Wade had "the summer of Wade"; i've got "the Winter of G". At least he got to golf! All i get to do is shovel snow!:crying:
ANyhow, walked in to Saturday morning work and was asked to have an impromptu review. My 4 year anni would have been on 11/22; they said they wanted to do this one early. I thought i was gonna get a raise for doing such a great job. Seriously, i thought that.
So, they didn't waste a whole lot of time in telling me they just didnt think i was a good fit for the company. It took them 4 years to figure that out?!?! They said it wasnt' that i wasn't doing a good job, and it wasn't that they didn't like me, but they just didn't think i was a good fit. What the hell does that mean? I still don't know. Funny thing is that for 3 years i recieved my full performance bonus, meaning i was doing a good job and things were going well, from the aspect of doing an efficient job and making them tons of money. They didn't have a real solid explanation. In fact, the 2 guys who told me both apologized numerous times. Who apologizes when they fire you?!?! Thyey also couldn't look me in the eye when i shook there hands and thanked them for the 4 yrs experience and the opportunity. But in reading between the lines and knowing what i know, the big fat crotchety 'ol president and founder of the compnay never really liked me and i'm sure he takes great pleasure in knowing he may have potentially ruined a family's financial life. With this economy and if i'm unemployed long enough, i could lose everything, and that prick would take pride in that.
So now i'm in the job market. Great timing huh? I"m hopeful though; i'm pretty marketable, or so i think. And the markets i'm in are somewhat recession proof; thank god for all those govt' programs in place that have money set aside for them.
From a financial standoint, I've got some reserves that will hold the family over for a few months, but don't be surprised if i start unloading a few cigars. And if someone happens to see a stick they think they gave me, i'l apologize in advance. I quit keeping track of who gave me what a long time ago; it got difficult what with all the bombing that goes on around here. Coincidentally, the sale i just had witht eh super premiums was made before i knew all this. i was gonna buy a gun with that cash, now i'm gonna buy canned goods.
I'll thank you all in advance for keeping me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.
NOTE: During the writing of this thread, the mailman came with the mail. There was a box from SmokingIsh that i knew was coming, but i didn't expect it to be so volatile. He sent me a scary looking Frank along with an Opus that i can tell wasn't bought yesterday. Also two nice tubed selections, one of which was signed with "Happy Birthday Gale"
Josh is a standup brother. Thanks for the smiles bro! Best birthday present i got!:applause:
I lost my job on Saturday...the day before my birthday. Happy FLIPPIN' Birthday, right?!?! Oh, and Merry Christmas too! Wade had "the summer of Wade"; i've got "the Winter of G". At least he got to golf! All i get to do is shovel snow!:crying:
ANyhow, walked in to Saturday morning work and was asked to have an impromptu review. My 4 year anni would have been on 11/22; they said they wanted to do this one early. I thought i was gonna get a raise for doing such a great job. Seriously, i thought that.
So, they didn't waste a whole lot of time in telling me they just didnt think i was a good fit for the company. It took them 4 years to figure that out?!?! They said it wasnt' that i wasn't doing a good job, and it wasn't that they didn't like me, but they just didn't think i was a good fit. What the hell does that mean? I still don't know. Funny thing is that for 3 years i recieved my full performance bonus, meaning i was doing a good job and things were going well, from the aspect of doing an efficient job and making them tons of money. They didn't have a real solid explanation. In fact, the 2 guys who told me both apologized numerous times. Who apologizes when they fire you?!?! Thyey also couldn't look me in the eye when i shook there hands and thanked them for the 4 yrs experience and the opportunity. But in reading between the lines and knowing what i know, the big fat crotchety 'ol president and founder of the compnay never really liked me and i'm sure he takes great pleasure in knowing he may have potentially ruined a family's financial life. With this economy and if i'm unemployed long enough, i could lose everything, and that prick would take pride in that.
So now i'm in the job market. Great timing huh? I"m hopeful though; i'm pretty marketable, or so i think. And the markets i'm in are somewhat recession proof; thank god for all those govt' programs in place that have money set aside for them.
From a financial standoint, I've got some reserves that will hold the family over for a few months, but don't be surprised if i start unloading a few cigars. And if someone happens to see a stick they think they gave me, i'l apologize in advance. I quit keeping track of who gave me what a long time ago; it got difficult what with all the bombing that goes on around here. Coincidentally, the sale i just had witht eh super premiums was made before i knew all this. i was gonna buy a gun with that cash, now i'm gonna buy canned goods.
I'll thank you all in advance for keeping me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.
NOTE: During the writing of this thread, the mailman came with the mail. There was a box from SmokingIsh that i knew was coming, but i didn't expect it to be so volatile. He sent me a scary looking Frank along with an Opus that i can tell wasn't bought yesterday. Also two nice tubed selections, one of which was signed with "Happy Birthday Gale"
Josh is a standup brother. Thanks for the smiles bro! Best birthday present i got!:applause: