Wow Chuck, i'm ready to climb moutn everest!!!
And yes, i spent Sunday, my birthday, feeling sorry for myself and pretty much freakin' out. But that was short lived. I'm a problem solver by nature and being unemployed is just another problem that needs solved.
But your'e right, networking is key, and i'm already in the game coach. Already contacted my previous employer, have sent out several resumes, updated mind you, and am certainly not sitting around on my butt. I got a brother who knows some high ups in my industry, and like he always says, it's not what you know, but who you know.
I'm not sweatin things too much at this point; i'm marketable and hey, people like me.
I did however go play some golf today. Shot a lights out round of 33 for 9 holes. It was amazing. it's unbelievable how relaxed you can be when you don't have to worry about a job.
And to answer a few questions, I'm a project manager in the construcion industry, but i'm best suited for the environmental remediation field. That's my niche, but i can probably step into any project management position in the construction industry and be successful. I've managed projects up to $2.3 million and managed approx $7.5 million worth of projects at any given time.
And thanks again to all for the brotherly love. Your thoughts and well wishes are appreciated.