Now that's funny! :grin:I told my wife when she was 40 years old that I was going to trade her in for two twenty year olds .She said I wasnt wired for two twenty?
:barf:Hey if it dont work you still have the does she....
You only need 1 thing in common and the only thing a guy cares about. I can hire people to handle all the other bullshit.then you realize that beyond your firmware fix, you have nothing in common. Good luck with that.
I'm 49. I found that marrying a 20 year old woman solved any potential hardware firmware fix a FOG can install lol...
We get married Saturday
Just the opposite. We have an incredible amount of things in life in common. Our first date it felt like we had known each other forever. It's pretty amazing and I know not common, but if you can find someone like I did, age isn't the important factor.then you realize that beyond your firmware fix, you have nothing in common. Good luck with that.
That we already assumed..:yes:Oohh...oohhh I almost forgot...
She smokes cigars too..
20 year old wife eh? Where can I get one, the warranty on my current model has expired and I can't get replacement parts anymore.