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Thoughts on the Oliva V lancero?

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Apr 10, 2012
Hello and greetings from Germany.
This is my first post but here in Germany the people are not interested in aging non cuban cigars, so its hard to get informations about that.

So i´am aging an Box of the Oliva Serie V Double Robusto for now 2 years without the cello and i think there are getting really great now!
I´m thinking about to buy an Box Lanceros to age them too, are they aging great like e.g. Tatuaje?
I have boxes of 2009/2010/2011 Maduros and they are getting better and better the longer they sit. +1 for the aged Double Robustos, I had one after a year and it was awesome, dont see why the lancero wouldn't also be great.