So last night I had a pour of Elmer T Lee. I was thinking about the Hancock Reserve I bought a couple weeks ago, and how it was one of only three BT products to be made with Mashbill #2, along with ETL and Blanton's SiB. So I decided to have a pour of all 3 back to back.
The similarities between the flavor profiles is obvious, but there are also significant differences. The big question, how would I rank them without considering cost. I understand that different things can affect the palate and I might rate them differently on a different day, but I'm pretty confident with the result.
1) Blanton's
2) Hancock's
3) ETL
Crazy because ETL is by far the more expensive on the secondary market. So good for my wallet going. Frankly, I'm unlikely to buy the ETL or Hancock's again as my palate definitely prefers the higher proof and heat now. Blanton's, I'd buy that under $60 or so.