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Today's Bourbon

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Jun 13, 2020
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Feb 2, 2015
Had an awesome time with one of my neighbors last night. He’s a bourbon aficionado like us and also the proud owner of a recently acquired George T Stagg.

I started things out by sharing some Old Riff SIB Barrel Proof Rye. He had never tried it before and I’ve been bragging about it for weeks.

He then countered with an incredibly generous pour or Elijah Craig Toasted Barrel, which I had never had before. Tasted like toasted chocolate s’mores.

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Nov 5, 2018
Platte City, MO
Had an awesome time with one of my neighbors last night. He’s a bourbon aficionado like us and also the proud owner of a recently acquired George T Stagg.

I started things out by sharing some Old Riff SIB Barrel Proof Rye. He had never tried it before and I’ve been bragging about it for weeks.

He then countered with an incredibly generous pour or Elijah Craig Toasted Barrel, which I had never had before. Tasted like toasted chocolate s’mores.

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I'm looking forward to the EC Toasted showing up locally. EC is normally on the woody side, but the toasted, if done right, should highlight the sugars, not char.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Took the motorcycle out hunting new spots for old Booker's. Didn't find any Booker's I needed, but came across a pair of my favorite ECBPs so decided to grab them as backups.

Pours last night were Stagg Jr. (Batch 13) and Little Book (Chapter 2).

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May 14, 2012
If that one is anything like the other Campari Whiskey Barons series, I bet its solid. Just wish those were not $50 for a 375ml. I've gone through several of the Bond & Lillard bottles, but picked them up for $22 on clearance.

Btw, dont throw away the bottle. Remove the label and keep it. They are very handy for taking booze when a flask isnt enough, but a full bottle is overkill. Perfect to share a couple of pours with a buddy.
Good call here! Will do.

As fae as the whiskey goes, this stuff is really good. Lots of people I respect say the Bond is good but that this is far superior. To me it's very very good.
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Jul 17, 2014
Clarksburg, MD
Had an awesome time with one of my neighbors last night. He’s a bourbon aficionado like us and also the proud owner of a recently acquired George T Stagg.

I started things out by sharing some Old Riff SIB Barrel Proof Rye. He had never tried it before and I’ve been bragging about it for weeks.

He then countered with an incredibly generous pour or Elijah Craig Toasted Barrel, which I had never had before. Tasted like toasted chocolate s’mores.

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Niiice! I’m holding out hope to somehow did a bottle of the EC Toasted Barrel. I’ve pretty much given up hope of the county landing anything from New Riff; May have to somehow ditch the wife and kids and make a trip into DC to try to find it.

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Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Went into the liquor store near my gym. Last time I was there the Knob Creek CSR was on sale, so I checked if it still was so I could get a backup. It wasn't, but they did have the latest Stagg Jr. batch (14) so I grabbed that. Successful trip anyway.



Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
GF got a wild hair after lunch yesterday and said why don't we head to that place you told me about where you can get the pours of HTF stuff. "You're my DD?", I asked. "Let's Go" (It's about 45 miles from home).

I had pours of ORVW 10, Little Book Chapter 4 and Smoke Wagon Desert Jewel. The owner is a great guy and gave me numerous half pours of less HTF stuff after that (I remember Noah's Mill, a couple different Wilderness, Southwell. It's all a blur after that. :LOL: Bought some liquor in my stupor, only one bourbon though.

Later last night, a little Hair of the Dog to put me to sleep.

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Feb 2, 2015
Had a huge Labor Day BBQ Herf at my cigar lounge. There must’ve been 60 people in attendance. Grilled hotdogs, burgers and sausages. Oliva Cigars were our sponsor and it was a NUB day for me. Oh yeah, did I mention there was Whiskey? One newer member
brought in a 2018 George T Stagg and was privately sharing it amongst the longtime members. I myself received two separate pours (not pictured). We spoke for 30 minutes and traded war stories on Bourbon/Rye.

The day prior. I ended up staying over at a friends house nearby instead of driving the 120 miles each way the next day.

A fan favorite among my lounge. CC was excellent Tom @icehog3

Still amazes me this stuff is from Costco. Tastes so close to Knob Creek Small Batch

Finished the night with an incredible pour of WP. First time for me. It was very complex

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Feb 2, 2015
Matt @BourbonBinder , what did you think of the '18 GTS? I am still waiting for the right occasion to crack mine.
Mine? I didn’t know you had a GTS? How did you come about that? It was very good, albeit not as good as my 2017 (129.2 Proof). Could be because of the lower then usual proof (116.9).

Correction: it was actually the 2019 release, not 2018, which was 124.9 Proof.

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