Enjoying the same, couldn't agree more. Very underrated for the price.CAO Brazilia; Had half a box on these sit for a few years, really a great forgotten smoke
That is a kick ass ashtray!!!La Duena Belicoso with my bro Joe
$16 bucks on cigarmonster app for my iPhone right now, and it's everything it looks likeThat is a kick ass ashtray!!!La Duena Belicoso with my bro Joe
And that's shipped, I picked one up earlier tonight!$16 bucks on cigarmonster app for my iPhone right now, and it's everything it looks likeThat is a kick ass ashtray!!!La Duena Belicoso with my bro Joe
Pretty sure they don't ship to AusAnd that's shipped, I picked one up earlier tonight!$16 bucks on cigarmonster app for my iPhone right now, and it's everything it looks likeThat is a kick ass ashtray!!!La Duena Belicoso with my bro Joe