yeah, cold here too. high of -1 with wind chills in the -20 range. supposed to meet up with Donk later on for a smoke though. that should be a good time.
72 degrees and sunny. Had a Boli PC with my Black Dog coffee this morning, a nice cuesta rey centenario sun grown double corona ater breakfast, a nice RyJ Ced Dlx #2 while watchin Luke learn to deal with the force.
Well, what I *WANTED* to have vs. the demands of retail left me holding the short end of the stick. No Habanos, but a Chateau Fuente for lunch with people asking what that "funny smell" in the store was... 8:30PM and still at work; should be out of here in an hour and hopefully rummage out one of my few remaining Monte #2's before crashing.
Nothing for me today ... I was too damn busy. Moving furniture this morning and laying down a granite tile countertop in the kitchen all afternoon / early evening. I'm bushed ....
Had some nice crab bisque and a beatiful filet with a merlot glaze, creme brule and now a Sig IV. Life is good boys. And the wifey won an awrd and were going to Vegas the week before the Omaha herf.:stretchgr